– Stock Picks & Stocks to Buy

Stock Picks & Stocks to Buy – Hi, my name is Tim and I own  Starting right now, I plan to put more focus on writing relevant stock market articles based on my experience, opinion, and research.  My goal is to share my knowledge and help you become a better investor so please check out my stock news articles below.  With 20 years of investing and trading experience, I have withstood the 1999/2000 tech bubble, the recession of 2002, the credit crisis of 2008/2009, and the Bitcoin crash of 2018.  Feel free to follow me on Twitter – Click Here

Learn about investing by taking my free online stock market education course – While I will be adding more stock market research in the future, you can start by clicking here

Stocks to Buy 2021 – Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) has a bright future and SPXL is the buy and hold of a lifetime if you are bullish on the stock market.  I’m currently looking to buy the following stocks in 2021 – GBTC, TSLA, BYND, SPXL – Stocks to Buy 2021

I also provide insight on the top penny stocks to watch in 2021.  Keep an eye on these stocks for potential big moves.

2023 – Get all the answers to your GOLD IRA questions.